Articles on: Subscriptions
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Activating your myTikee subscription

This is only valid for orders placed before 27/04/2023. For all orders placed after this date, please refer to this article.

How to activate your myTikee subscription?

If you purchased your subscription by quotation or from one of our reseller partners, please get in touch with your sales contact to obtain the activation token.

If you placed an order on our website, you can activate your subscription as soon as you receive the email confirmation of your order.

If you are renewing your myTikee licence, we recommend waiting until your current licence expires before activating the new one.

To do so, go to your account on

My account button in the top right corner of the page

You will find the activation token in "My myTikee subscriptions" in the left menu. You only have one activation token per order, even if you ordered multiple licenses. The token will activate all the licenses in your order.

My myTikee subscriptions in the left menu

You will then have to connect to your account on myTikee and access your profile by clicking on your name in the top right corner.

Profile on myTikee

Then, you can enter this activation token in the "Activate your licenses" box and click on send.

Activate your licences on myTikee

Once the token is validated, you will see the expiration date of your license(s) in the Storytelling tab.

Active licences on myTikee

Your licence is active.

Updated on: 08/07/2024