AI Dashboard
What is the AI Dashboard on myTikee?
The AI Dashboard is developed to help professionals analyze data with indicators related to productivity, safety and monitoring of their project.
It contains a compilation of data from one point of view in a dashboard.
3 indicators are available on the AI Dashboard:
Number of Detections: available in 3 categories; People, Civil Vehicles, Construction Vehicles
Safety Score: a measure defined in the dashboard settings
Activity Score: measures construction activity. This score is not correlated to Detections, it can be impacted by the size of the construction area in the image.
The Construction Activity score is not affected by non-construction activities, such as activities on public roads.
These indicators are displayed in different forms on the AI Dashboard page:
Key Indicators
The AI Dashboard is only available with myTikee Reporting or myTikee Unlimited subscriptions.
The settings of your IA Dashboard are available by clicking on the settings button in the upper right corner.
You can set the sensitivity of your Dashboard's Detections and the Safety Score.
For the Detections, a low sensitivity corresponds to a strong filtering of the detections, only those with the highest confidence score are kept. A sensitivity of 0 discards all detections. A high sensitivity shows more detections, but this can be at the cost of false detections.
For the Safety Score, you can define the personal protective equipment (PPE) that a person must wear (helmet and/or safety vest and/or safety pants) to be in compliance with the regulations of the monitored site. This will then be taken into account when calculating the score.
In the example below, a person must wear a helmet, a safety vest and safety pants to be in compliance.
These settings are saved and applied when you click on "Submit".
You can return to the default settings (recommended by Enlaps) for detections and Safety Score by clicking on the Reset button.
To return to the default threshold on a class of detections, drag the button to the white triangle.
You can enable / disable a whole class of detections (for example boats or trains on a construction site) to view on the dashboard only what you are interested in.
The graph allows you to view the number of detections, the activity score and the safety score over a selected period. It is also a navigation tool in your AI Dashboard.
You can, for example, measure the attendance of a place, the level of affluence at an event, the resources mobilized on a project or even identify active and dead times, understand the dynamics of a place, size an infrastructure, etc...
If you move your mouse over the graph, you get a summary of the period considered with the average of the detections over this period.
The display can be customized according to several criteria (type of graph, aggregation, choice of period, granularity...).
To zoom in the graph on a period, you must click and drag.
Display settings:
Double-clicking on the graph allows you to return to the default settings.
Indicators :
You can select or deselect the indicators you wish to see displayed on your graph by clicking on "Detections"; "Activity Score" or "Security Score".
Detection classes :
You can choose which detection classes are displayed on your graph by clicking on them.
For example, Bicycles and Buses are not displayed on the graph below.
Selecting the period:
To choose the period, you can use the presets (Last day; Last 3 days; Last week; Last month; Last quarter, Last year; All period) or choose the period you want (Custom interval).
Several levels of granularity are available: image, hour, day or week. Each period is represented by a bar on the graph
If some levels of granularity are not available, please change the selected period.
Chart shape :
The wheel in the upper right corner of the graph allows you to choose the type of graph displayed.
The parameters chosen in the Graph are not saved on the page. If you exit or refresh the page, they will be reset. To set up your chart, please use the AI Dashboard Settings (instructions above).
The Analytics tile allows you to compare the evolution of the activity score and the safety score between 2 selected periods.
The score displayed is an index, so it is not comparable between 2 AI Dashboards on 2 different projects.
These periods can be modified by clicking on the dates. By default, the indicators compare the last 2 weeks.
You can hide this window by clicking on the blue arrow next to "Analytics".
The Detections section allows you to visualize the detections present on each image of the set of images of the period selected in the Graph section.
You will find the total number of detections for each image in the upper left corner. On the right, you find more details with information on the confidence score attributed by our algorithms on the wearing of PPE.
You can click on a detection in the image to find it in detail. You can also click on an image in the detail to see it in the panoramic image.
The Heatmap represents the density of detections over the period selected in the Graph section at the top of the page. This density is displayed on the first photo of the period.
This tool allows you to identify :
the most worked places on a site
the most frequented aisles / stands during an event
storage and parking areas
queuing areas
The intensity can be adjusted using the opacity bar at the bottom of the image.
You can download your heatmap by clicking on the download button in the upper corner of the image.
How to create an AI Dashboard on myTikee?
On myTikee, in the AI Dashboard tab in the left-hand menu, click on the "+".
Fill in the Name and Description fields
Click on the viewpoint you want to add to the AI Dashboard.
An AI Dashboard can only contain / analyze one Viewpoint.
Select the Public or Private visibility mode for your IA Dashboard.
Click "Save."
Your AI Dashboard is now being created. It may take between 1 and 24 hours for the data to be made available after its creation.
For a more accurate analysis, we recommend that you deselect the Detection classes that you do not need in your project in the Settings of your AI Dashboard (following the instructions above).
If you want to analyze a specific part of the image, you can apply a blur mask to your viewpoint. The AI Dashboard created from this viewpoint will only analyze the unblurred areas of your images.
How do I share an AI Dashboard from myTikee?
Several sharing options are available for your AI Dashboard. To see them, click on the Share button.
Sharing by private link or iframe
Secure link sharing
Procore integration
Clicking Update will cancel all current links and get new ones.
How to delete an AI Dashboard on your myTikee account?
On myTikee, go to the AI Dashboard tab in the left menu.
Click on the red trash can in the top right corner of the thumbnail of the Dashboard you want to delete.
Confirm the confirmation message.
Your Dashboard is now deleted.
Updated on: 17/08/2023