Left / right images stitching
The merging of the right/left images is not working properly, there is a blur in the center of the image

Check that no obstacle or moving object passes within 5 meters of the Tikee during the first merges (about 100 images may be needed to calculate it).
The image merging is optimized based on the first images received (between 20 and 100 images depending on the scene). It is thus recommended:
to launch the sequence only once the camera is in place
to avoid launching your sequence at night or in poor visibility conditions
If you have any questions on this topic, and for a potential adjustment of the image merging, please send a request to our technical team via our contact form (select "After Sale Services").
Where can I merge the left and right photos in JPEG format stored on the microSD card?
You can manually create a new point of view from your account in the myTikee cloud platform, and then drag and drop your photos into the photo tile in the top right corner.
After that, you will need to wait for the upload to finish and for the merging of the images to complete before you can see the result.
You can manually add pictures which were not sent by the camera in an existing project, directly from the Editing Menu.

Please note that the use of the Google Chrome web browser is recommended.
Updated on: 11/10/2024